Tormentil is a perennial plant that does especially well in grasslands, heaths, fens, mountaintops and in open forests, especially on slightly acid soils. Tormentil blooms from June to September. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by bees, flies, beetles, lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). The plant is self-pollinating.
All parts of Tormentil contain more tannin than e.g. oak bark and are therefore strongly astringent. Thus, this plant is best used where use of tannins can provide support.
Health Benefits of Tormentil Bio
(This summary was prepared in line with the Nutrition and Health Claims Act)
- Helps make stools thicker.
- For bloating after eating.
- Protects the stomach wall.
- Beneficial and soothing for the throat.
Prepare tormentil tea organic
Making a tea (or infusion) is an ideal way to benefit from the beneficial effects of organic tormentil.
So you can easily prepare a cup of healthy tormentil tea organic:
- Use 1-2 teaspoons of tormentil per 250-mL cup.
- Pour over with boiling water and let steep for 10-15 minutes.
- Drink a maximum of 2-3 cups per day to avoid excessive tannins.
Allow the infusion (see above) to cool and rinse the mouth several times a day.
Combinations with Tormentil
Tormentil with Chamomile and Peppermint (equal parts) for too frequent bowel movements.
Tormentil with Sage, Horsetail, Hemlock and Eucalyptus in a gargle for discomfort in the throat.
Sustainable Packaging
Our herbs are packed in compostable bags that are airtight and resealable, so that the flavors and fragrances are optimally preserved. The pouches do not let sunlight through, ensuring the efficacy of the herbs. With our sustainable packaging, we seek to minimize our carbon footprint without sacrificing quality.
Attention for a moment
Use pure Tormentil (e.g. powder) in moderation due to risk of stomach problems from the tannins.
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