Rose hip is very rich in vitamin C. By the way, did you know that rose hip has 20 times more vitamin C than an orange? Two tablespoons of this Rosehip already provide 75% of the recommended daily amount of vitamice C. So this flavorful fruit, along with its many many antioxidants, is a true boost to your immune system.
These fruits of the rose bush(Rosa canina or Dog Rose) are picked in autumn, just after the first night frost.
Health Benefits of Rosehip Bio
(This summary was prepared in line with the Nutrition and Health Claims Act)
- Contains plenty of easily absorbable vitamin C.
- Uplifting.
- Immune stimulating.
- Antioxidant.
Combinations with Rosehip
With Elder and Linden blossoms, nettle in an antipyretic blend.
You will also find Rosehip in our Herbal Tea Resistance and Herbal Tea Meditation.
Sustainable Packaging
Our herbs are packed in compostable bags that are airtight and resealable, so that the flavors and fragrances are optimally preserved. The pouches do not let sunlight through, ensuring the efficacy of the herbs. With our sustainable packaging, we seek to minimize our carbon footprint without sacrificing quality.
Attention for a moment
No side effects at normal doses
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