Which water to use for a nice cup of herbal tea?

Since herbal tea is 99% water, it is advisable not to take the choice of water too lightly.

In general, we can say that in most cases tap water is not a good option for an optimal tea experience. Especially not in Belgium and the Netherlands because the mineral content (especially calcium and magnesium) of tap water is very high there.

First of all, minerals prevent the taste and content of the tea herbs from being absorbed properly. In addition, there are numerous disadvantages to the tea: unpalatable smell, dark cloudy color, a dirty skin on the surface of the water, deposits in your teacup or teapot.

There are several ways/systems to purify and rid your water of chemicals and high mineral concentrations. Using filter jugs (vb Brita Maxtra) usually offers good results in our opinion based on price/quality.

Buying low mineral bottled water can also be a nice solution, although this option is usually a bit pricier. Examples of low mineral water include Spa Reine, Mont Roucous, Montcalm and Montille.