Health Benefits of Blue Poppy Seed Bio
(This summary was prepared in line with the Nutrition and Health Claims Act)
In Oriental countries, poppy seeds are used in traditional medicine for nausea and vomiting.
The minimal share of opium contained in these seeds can sometimes contribute to better sleep (Sleep Ball).
Culinary Uses of Blue Poppy Seeds
Blue Poppy Seed or Papaver somniferum is mainly used on sandwiches in Belgium and the Netherlands. This blue seed is very healthy. In particular, it contains a large amount of minerals and the phytonutrients oleic acid and linoleic acid. Both are healthy, monounsaturated fatty acids with good effects on the heart and brain.
Before baking, the dough is pushed into a container of Blue Poppy seeds or seeds are sprinkled on top. In Central Europe, bruised Poppy seeds are also used in larger quantities as a filling in bread and cakes or in pasta dishes.
Sustainable Packaging
Our herbs are packed in compostable bags that are airtight and resealable, so that the flavors and fragrances are optimally preserved. The pouches do not let sunlight through, ensuring the efficacy of the herbs. With our sustainable packaging, we seek to minimize our carbon footprint without sacrificing quality.
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